
Gain insights into the most recent developments taking place in the sustainability sphere today.

19 Jul 2024

New long-term CO2 emission reduction targets defined by Bpost

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New long-term CO2 emission reduction targets defined by Bpost
08 Jul 2024

Pathway to net zero emissions is narrow but brings huge benefits

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Pathway to net zero emissions is narrow but brings huge benefits
02 Feb 2024

'Net Zero' Report 2023 : 58 % of internationally surveyed companies are reducing communication on their climate transition

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'Net Zero' Report 2023 : 58 % of internationally surveyed companies are reducing communication on their climate transition
17 Nov 2023

CO2logic, a South Pole company, have this year awarded the first 85 companies pioneering climate action with their new CO2 Neutral label

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CO2logic, a South Pole company, have this year awarded the first 85 companies pioneering climate action with their new CO2 Neutral label
18 Jan 2023

CO2logic has been nominated for Trends Gazellen 2023

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CO2logic has been nominated for Trends Gazellen 2023
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