08 Jul 2021

CO2logic shares its expertise with the Belgian Alliance for Climate Action

CO2Logic Team

On April 29th BACA, together with CO2logic, organized its third anchor event about “Carbon Footprint, the first step in your Science Based Targets journey".

As carbon footprinting is an essential exercise and the very first step of a climate action plan, this third anchor event was jointly organised to help companies understand this process step and have a full understanding of its climate impact. In this workshop we did not only provide the theory (based on the GHG protocol) but, via separate breakout rooms, we focused on those emission categories that are most relevant for the participants. Indeed, when registering for this workshop the participants were invited to fill out a short survey to identify their top 3 Scope 3 categories for which they wanted to have more insight on. Based on these answers, breakout sessions were organized on different topics.

Also, some guest speakers from BACA members were invited to share their experience for each of the emissions categories that were selected. They provided the participants with their experience on how they overcame barriers and challenges, and how they implemented ambitious GHG emission reduction measures for these specific categories.

First of all, Jan Janssen, Project Director & Partner at CO2logic, provided an overview on the objectives and the principles of carbon footprinting. He also reminded the participants about the importance of placing this exercise in a broader GHG Management System, necessary for the setting and achievement of ambitious climate goals.

Then, the first round of break-out sessions started with the following emissions categories:

  • Direct emissions: Scope 1 and 2, with the intervention of Proximus, who was the first Belgian company to have its Science Based Targets validated.
  • Purchased Goods and Services, with a very interesting discussion with Delhaize and UCB that presented their ambitious Supplier Engagement Policy, in order to green their entire value chain.
  • Direct Waste and End of Life, with the intervention of Valvert (Nestlé Waters), who presented the Life Cycle Analysis they conducted with CO2logic on their bottles of water.

The second round of breakout sessions included:

  • Upstream and Downstream transportation and distribution, with the intervention of Port of Brussels, a solution provider for low carbon logistics
  • Use of Sold Products, where Barco presented its recently approved SBT in the energy consumption of their devices
  • Business Travels and Employee commuting: where the company Materialize shared its ambitious system to encourage its employees reduce their transport or shift to low carbon transport means.

This anchor event was open to all The Shift members and counted on the participants of more than 90 companies.

Would you like to get support for assessing the feasibility of setting Science Based Targets for your organization, feel free to contact us via info@co2logic.com

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